Monday, October 5, 2009

1. Look before you leap

It is wise to sit down and take stock before you leap headlong into aviculture. Birds in an aviary are totally dependant on its owner. It is not everybody’s idea of fun to look after an aviary full of birds all year long.

It is cruel to neglect birds and good breeding results cannot be achieved under such circumstances. If you do not have the time or enthusiasm, do not take up aviculture.

Something you should guard against is to weaken the birds you own through inbreeding. Often birds bought as pairs are actually related (brother and sister).

For many birds threatened by destruction of their habitat, an aviary may be the only place where they will survive. This is the case with the New Zealand parakeet, which is a threatened species in its natural habitat, but they breed well in aviaries.

A local bird club can be a rich source of information and most breeders will be willing to help or give advice to beginners.

It is also important to understand and abide by the local regulations and restrictions regarding the keeping and breeding of birds.

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